From the parties of the Roman emperor to Uncle Jim’s back yard cook out, people have used various methods to light the exterior of our homes. Some of these methods include fire, candles and modern electric lights. Some of the more unusual methods include fiber optics and lasers.
For most people, led landscaping lights work the best. The LED, short for light-emitting diode, has been around for 50 years. Over the years, these lights have become more efficient and brighter making them the perfect choice for outside lighting. One of the biggest benefits to using these types of lights is the cost savings. You can save over 75% over the cost of traditional 100 watt flood lights. These bulbs can last over 50,000 hours. LED makes outside lights more affordable, and they are cheaper to maintain as well.
If being more environmentally friendly is your thing, these bulbs are the way to go. Light-Emitting Diodes like those used for outdoor lighting contain none of the poisonous chemicals found in fluorescent bulbs. They can handle extreme weather better than floodlights. The average size of a LED light is between 3mm to 8mm and can be used in conjunction with other bulbs to make a more powerful light in a smaller package.
There are so many ways to use lighting in your garden and accent your home. Placing accent lighting along walking paths is a common use. There are a number of options and fixtures to choose from and a number of companies that offer them. Touchscape Accent Lighting for example provides neat multi colored led lights that are festive for use around the holidays.
For the next time you’re having a big back yard social event, make sure to look into lighting it with LED outdoor lighting. As everyone knows, you can’t be the life of a party if you’re in the dark. So make that party count and score one for the environment by using led landscaping lights. Don’t forget to light your pool with LED lighting. That will make swimming fun. Light up your night life and have fun with LED technology.