Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia and the Difference Between the Two

by | Feb 26, 2020 | Assisted Living

Most people think the terms “dementia” and “Alzheimer’s disease” are synonymous. The truth of the matter, however, is that though these terms are similar, they aren’t the same.

Read on for information about how dementia and Alzheimer’s disease differ, along with where you and your loved ones can turn to for trusted memory care facilities in Round Rock, TX.

What Is Dementia?

Dementia is an all-encompassing word that is used to describe a person struggling with memory loss, mental processing skills and the like. Dementia covers a wide range of disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome and other conditions.

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease falls under the category of dementia. It is the most common type and it affects over 60% of those who have dementia. To diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, doctors use MRI scans and radio waves as those suffering with the condition will have proteins and fibers that appear as “tangles” in the brain. These tangles are what destroys nerves in people with the condition, making the symptoms of Alzheimer’s wax worse and worse over time.

What Are Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease?

If you suspect that someone you know may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, you should encourage that person to see their local healthcare provider right away.

The following are signs of Alzheimer’s disease:

• Difficulty Making Plans

• Severe Changes in Mood

• Changes in Personality

• Shying Away From Social Situations

• Memory Loss

• Confusion When Dealing With Times and Places

Getting Help
If someone close to you has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it is important to provide a strong support system for that person. Any type of dementia can be scary and frustrating for the person suffering with it, and they need your care, love and empathy.

Nevertheless, not everyone has the means or the ability to take care of their loved ones who may be suffering with Alzheimer’s disease. If that is the case, it may be wise to check out memory care facilities in Round Rock, TX, to provide that person with the best care possible.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Alzheimer’s disease, contact or visit the website.

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