If you are involved in an automobile accident you will invariably be faced with a lot of questions that need answering. Who will be responsible for paying medical bills, how about repairing your car and what about lost wages? These are just a few of the many questions that Chicago auto accident attorneys are constantly faced with. These skilled attorneys can help you negotiate a fair and equitable settlement and they usually do so based on contingency which simply means that they get paid when you get a settlement.
Complete knowledge of the law and court procedures:
The law and the application of it are very complex as well as concise. Rarely would a layperson know the law or procedural issues involved.
In auto accident cases there is a statute of limitations in effect, if you are going to pursue a case against the other party you only have so long to do it otherwise you lose the opportunity forever. In most jurisdictions you are given two years to action a case, when you hire Chicago auto accident attorneys you don’t have to worry about such things.
When you are represented by a skilled attorney he or she will file the lawsuit on your behalf, the attorney will also know exactly how to deal with any defenses that the accused comes up with.
Perhaps the most important aspect of having solid legal representation is the fact that you and the accused are playing on a level field. The opposition in auto accident cases is lawyers from the insurance company, they are experienced and they have huge resources behind them if they need them. When you have Chicago accident attorneys working for you, you are in the same position; a strong team with resources.
If you have been involved in an accident and you bear no part of the blame you can sue for compensation but to do so you need skilled Chicago auto accident attorneys on your side. To discuss your case in detail you are invited to contact Shea Law Group. We are also on facebook.