An Elder Law Attorney in Peachtree City, GA, Can Help You Through the Social Security Process

by | Jun 29, 2020 | Law Firm

When you are unable to work and not quite old enough for retirement, an elder law attorney in Peachtree City, GA, can help to achieve disability through the Social Security Administration, SSA. Individuals could be eligible to receive Social Security Disability, SSD, or Social Security Income SSI. The process can be very difficult to complete, but the individual should not have to be frustrated by the process or the agency in order to gain a source of income because of their disability.

In addition to helping an individual apply for disability, they can help to answer other questions about the Social Security Administration. A knowledgeable attorney understands the process and the criteria the SSA will approve as part of the process. The attorney will eliminate all of the stress, frustration, and worry that can occur before a claim is approved.

Elder Law

Another area of elder law is estate planning. People usually need assistance when determining what will happen to their estate in the event of their death. Setting up an estate gives people the peace of mind they want.

The person will not have to worry about what will happen to their home, cars, business, house and other assets when they pass away. With the help of an elder law attorney in Peachtree City, GA, they can designate to which family members and friends they will give their money and assets, and even arrange how their funeral will be completed and where their remains will be put.

Social Security Disability

If an individual has been regularly employed, they could be eligible to receive SSD. Disability will need to be applied for and the individual will have to wait to see if they have been approved. If they have been denied, there is a short amount of time to file for reconsideration before the claim is closed and the individual has to start again.

The worry and stress of elder law can be eliminated when an experienced elder law attorney is hired to protect the individual’s rights. If you need assistance with elder law or disability issues, please visit Campen Estate Planning & Elder Law website at for more information about knowledgeable attorneys.

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