Are You Considering Contacting an Automobile Accident Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ?

by | Jan 8, 2016 | Law Services

When an automobile accident occurs, friends and family may suggest that an individual contact an attorney. Their suggestions should be well accepted by the individual that received the injuries. An automobile accident lawyer in Phoenix, AZ can assist with the insurance company and obtaining the necessary compensation deserves as a result of someone’s negligence. The most important thing to do after an automobile accident with injuries is to seek medical treatment. Waiting for a day or several days hoping the pain will go away could jeopardize any opportunity for recovery of compensation. For compensation for injuries to be valid, an individual must not be at fault.

Drivers, as well as passengers in an automobile accident, can file for compensation from injuries received. Injuries can involve a soft tissue issue such as whiplash or a more serious and permanent injury like a broken bone or internal organ damage. Some injuries will require months of rehabilitation and others could require a lifetime of care, so receiving the compensation that is deserved is important for the quality of life for the victim. An automobile accident lawyer in Phoenix, AZ understands what type of toll financially and physically this can place on someone. They will negotiate with the insurance company based off the facts of the case.

Victims do not need to be concerned about paying an attorney for a consultation of their case because it’s free. The consultation is a great opportunity to have questions written down to ask the attorney as well as a copy of any information about the accident. Taking a copy of the police report, any medical records you have and any pictures are important to describing the case to an attorney. After a consultation, they can give the victim an accurate and honest assessment of their claim against the insurance company.

An accident attorney will be unable to give someone an exact dollar figure of what their case may be worth regarding compensation; they can give an estimate, but never an exact figure. If an insurance company won’t settle the case through negotiations, the attorney is already aware of all of the facts of the case and will file a lawsuit in civil court on behalf of the victim. For more information about auto accident law, please feel free to click here.

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