Ayurveda And The Importance Of Consciousness

by | Oct 21, 2014 | Healthcare

Ayurveda is comprise of two Sanskrit words: Ayus (living) and Veda (revealed wisdom). Ayurvedic training in India involves a comprehensive study of the history, meaning and principles of this life wisdom. It also means understanding the methods of application of this tradition. More than a medical approach or healing system, Ayurveda is a complex world system on health and well being of the entire entity. As a holistic system, it recognizes the need to consider the entire body – physical, mental/emotional and spiritual or consciousness.

The Dimensions of Consciousness

Ayurvedic training involves an understanding of the dimensions of consciousness. According to the teachings these are:

*     Conscious awareness
*     Preconscious subliminality
*     Unconscious mind or mental life  – the patala

These all interact and take part in the process of integration when and if the decision to consciously choose as a goal the refinement and cultivation of consciousness. This process involves a comprehension of Moksha

What is Moksha?

Moksha is a highly desirable state. It is one of great freedom. In fact Moshka is the liberation from any bondage or attachments. Gone are the ties to desire. It is freedom from both karma and the dreadful samsara. It finds it beginning in a conscious choice. It is also, for many, the highest goal possible.

How to Refine and Cultivate the Experience of Consciousness

The route to Moksha is taken in degrees. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential to look at the aspects that comprise a human being. To help release or increase the awareness of the conscious requires examining the life you are leading. It is necessary to be completely aware of the corporeal, mental/emotional and spiritual aspects of a living being. By addressing the perceived nature through various techniques, it is possible to grow as a person and to undergo transformation that is more than skin deep.

A common method of cultivating the consciousness is through augmenting the roots of the doshas. These are the:

*     Prana – the Life Force
*     Tejas – the Flame of Intelligence
*     Ojas – the Strength to Endure

To accomplish this, a student in Ayurvedic training learns how to “feed” Manas (the mind) with the very subtle aspects of:

*     Shabda or sound
*     Sparsa or touch
*     Rupa or vision
*     Gandha or smell

Ayurvedic massage using specific oils is one method used to achieve the goal of refinement, integration and even the expansion of one’s consciousness.

Ayurvedic training in India can help a student learn how to work on the self. This can result in a progression towards not only improved physical health but also advancing degrees of transformation in the subtle construction of the holistic entity of the body, mind and spirit.

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