Benefits of a Lawn Sign

by | May 13, 2015 | Business

As an owner of a contractor business it is hard to advertise outside of word of mouth. While those kinds of compliments are very good and help your business grow often times the people who see the final product do not necessarily know the family who got the project done. So what you need is a way to show off the fact that it was your company who did all that hard work for those people out in St. Augustine. Yard signs in St. Augustine area are a great way to show off your company’s name and contact information. Simply just make sure you ask the customers up front if they would be willing to allow you to put a placard up for a couple of months.

The Perfect Place for Advertisement
You just finished up working on somebody’s house and they are very happy with the job you have done. They let you know that they are going to tell all their friends about you. That is great but in addition to that if you could put a yard sign up on their lawn it would go even further in telling the people of your neighborhood who did this great work. It is highly important that any kind of plaque that you leave on people’s property to show off that you did their new work have all of the important information about your business and that it be big enough to be seen from the street but not so large that it is an eye sore for the owners of the home. Nothing gets you denied quicker than an oversized piece of cardboard stuck into somebody’s front lawn.

Get Your Sign Done Professionally
Getting professional help to have the work done on your yard sign is important as it was stated before you need something tasteful and not too overpowering on someone’s lawn. When looking for a company to design your advertisement you need someone who is willing to cooperate directly with you to craft the idea you want. Someone how has experience in graphics design and can give you a number of options to pick from. If your plaques are designed well enough they may even last long enough to be used and reused over and over again.

Make sure when you have a sign that it has all the important information on it: Company Name, Website Address, Social Media if applicable, relevant phone numbers and street address for your offices if you have them.

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