Benefits of Installing Underground Tracer Wire

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Plumbers and Plumbing

Utility companies have several names for tracer wire. They refer to it as:

  • Locating wire
  • Locator wire
  • Electrical wire tracer

Yet, no matter what they call it, it has a singular job to perform. Underground tracer wire accurately and easily locates lines and pipes buried beneath the surface. Unfortunately, gas, fiber optic, water, and sanitation companies continue to underutilize them. This is a shame since they offer several benefits to them who use them – some extending beyond the obvious.

Benefits of Installing Tracer Wire

When utility companies bury their pipes and lines underground, they need some means of locating it later. Laying a tracer wire along the length of the pipe system is able to serve this purpose. While other options such as THHN wire are in use, tracer wire proves to be more effective and advantageous on a number of counts. It possesses qualities that enhance its capabilities to render the necessary services required of it. These include:

Insulation: Underground tracer wire has insulation possessing a high molecular weight. It is composed of high-density polyethylene (HMWPE) making it durable

Durability: Unlike several other tracing methods, tracer wire has a high degree of resistance to a variety of abrasive and corrosive substances including crushing and chemicals

Chemical resistance: The insulation increases its resistance to a variety of corrosive chemicals

Moisture resistance: The wire is highly resistant to moisture

Cost-effective: While appearing to be more expensive than other options, tracer wire actually saves money through its longevity, durability, and ease of use

Longevity: Tracer wire can last more than 30 years in wet and dry environments

Underground Tracer Wire

When installing a locating device, utility companies need to consider the advantages of tracer wire. Not only does it save time and labor, but it also possesses the right qualities to ensure longevity and durability. When the environment is tough, the best solution is an underground tracer.

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