Benefits of Sending Your Child to an Online Homeschool Academy in Kingman, AZ

by | Jul 14, 2023 | Education and Training

Most children get onto a bus each morning and go to a physical school with numerous other children. However, the conventional education system doesn’t work for all children and all families. Some parents opt for homeschooling instead. Learn more about the benefits of sending your child to an online homeschool academy in Kingman, AZ.

  1. Fewer Germs

The recent global pandemic made us all more aware of the importance of sanitation. Children with autoimmune diseases are especially vulnerable to illness. Unfortunately, schools are a hotbed for germs. Airborne diseases, in particular, are especially easy to pass from one student to another in school. An online homeschool academy eliminates this problem.

  1. Flexible Schedule

School tends to operate between 8:00 – 4:00. Some children will also have extracurricular activities after school. Some children have jobs or personal commitments that don’t fit into the typical school hours. These children can benefit from a program that allows children to study on their own time. Of course, this requires a high level of personal accountability on the part of the student.

  1. Reduced Anxiety

Childhood and adolescence put us all through some growing pains. If children experience negative social experiences at home or at school, it can lead to social anxiety or generalized anxiety. School can cause panic attacks for these children. These children may do better in homeschooling without the distraction of social pressures.

Are you interested in sending your child to an online homeschool academy in Kingman, AZ? Contact Calibre Academy at

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