There is a great deal of thought that goes into the design of paper boxes. Many manufacturers and suppliers from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals to food and beverages, pet supplies and much more rely on the expertise of a paper box supplier in Miami to help with the design.
Great Boxes Start with Great Structure
When designing a box the graphics and the message are significant. Long before the focus is on message, consideration must be given to the functions and performance expected. A paper box has numerous functions, but the most basic is protecting the contents. Only then, you can work on how it will communicate with people. To many people, a box is just that: a box. However, a box must do many things, such as:
- Protect the contents through the entire distribution process
- Communicate to retail customers what the brand stands for
- Educate the buyer, in-store as well as at home
- Protect the product
Determining the Box Structure
Once the basics have been established, a paper box supplier in Miami must begin thinking about the box structure. The right box will save everyone time and money. Box designers must determine the shipping and drop test requirements. Is the box part of a product line that involves common graphics, and what does the retailer want? When first discussing the needs with the supplier, you should at least know what it is used for, rigidity features, and whether it has to be corrugated, among other considerations.
Getting the supplier involved from the beginning is wise. If the objective is to stand out in a retail environment, the best suppliers have considerable experience in helping clients choose the best shape, material, colors, and textures. Choose a paper box supplier Premium Paper Box that can help you put your ideas into reality.