Best Ingredients for Pork Rubs

by | Jun 4, 2018 | Food

A pork rub is the perfect way to add the right flavor to your meal. There isn’t one specific way by which you have to make pork rub–there are many different methods you can use. Most of the ingredients are spices and seasonings that, of course, come in different varieties. So, if you’re preparing to make a killer pork rub in Columbus, GA area, here are the best ingredient types to use.

#1. Sugars and salts
The sugar and salt ratio of your rub will determine much about the flavor of the rub. For a traditional pork rub, you’ll want to go for a higher ratio of sugar, but the type of salt remains of high importance as well. For your sugar, brown sugar is a good option since it’s less likely to burn at very high temperatures, and the molasses it contains will add that extra charge of sweetness to the mix. Meanwhile for salt, most types of salt will work just fine, but if you aren’t a fan of the additives found in salt, there’s kosher salt and sea salt to help you out.

#2. Peppers
Now that you’ve handled the flavor, it’s time to move on to the heat. And the best way to do that is with pepper. You need to add the pepper incrementally into the salt-sugar mix until you find just the right balance of flavor and heat. You can add more pepper, by all means, but be careful, as this cannot be undone. There are many different types of pepper, but the four that are best suited for a good pork rub are Cayenne, White, Black, and Chile pepper.

#3. Spices
Sometimes salt isn’t enough to add the vest to your rub that you’re looking for. Fortunately, one of the most important steps to making a great pork rub is adding a personalized touch to the mix. There are a wide variety of spices, flavors, and powders to use for your rubs. However, with pork rubs specifically, we have a more refined list. For a pork rub, you want to stick with coriander, garlic powder, ginger, onion powder, mustard powder, or thyme.

And if you want to know where you can find these ingredients, as well as seasoned cooks to help you decide what’s best for your recipe, stop on by at Stripling’s General Store.

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