Manufacturing businesses need to constantly upgrade their equipment in order to improve the quality of their products and the efficiency with which they deliver them to the market. Both these aspect; product quality and supply efficiency, directly impact the profitability of the manufacturing business. One of the important equipment components bought by manufacturers of liquid products, such as bottled water and pharmaceuticals are liquid filling nozzles. There are a couple of things you need to consider when purchasing these components. Let’s take a brief look at some of them.
- Your products: Considering your specific products will help you narrow down the range of types of liquid filling nozzles that you need to buy for your liquid filler equipment. Sometimes, there is one obvious choice of a nozzle that will be suitable for your products. Oftentimes, there will be several types of nozzle components that can do the job and each component will require further evaluation as more information is acquired. Obviously, as a businessperson, your goal is to identify the most economic choice based on operational consideration without compromising on the quality.
- Is your filling machine automatic or semi automatic? Depending on their level of production, a manufacturer may be using automatic or semi automatic liquid filler equipment. An experienced manufacturer will know exactly how many bottles per minutes must be produced to meet the demand. This information will also determine the type of liquid filling nozzles that the manufacturer uses. It is important that nozzles are able to handle the production level.
- What type of pump do you use to handle your products? The pump is the heart of the liquid filler machine. Therefore, considerations such as capacity calculations and compatibility issues must be taken into account when deciding which filler nozzle to buy. You also need to have an understanding of how your liquid products behave under high pressure. Other selection criteria for liquid filling nozzles include chemical compatibility, sanitation needs, foam generation, particle size, temperature, accuracy, back-pressure, suction height and velocity. If the seller does not process all this information in-house, they will either send you the nozzles to manufacturers for empirical testing or test the products in their own labs.
- What are your fluid path considerations? As your liquid product moves through filler, hosing material, fluid connection types, and seal materials must be correctly specified for temperature and chemical compatibility as well as sanitary and clean-ability requirements. Sometimes, even specially heated fluid paths are necessary to maintain fill temperature.
In summary, although the lay person can have an excellent idea of what filling nozzle they should be buying from a supplier, it is clear that the specification process should be left to an experienced professional. Click here for more information.