Can You Fight a Lemon Law Case without an Attorney?

by | Dec 9, 2014 | Attorney

Have you recently purchased a used car and have frequent mechanical problems? Has the car broken down and become inoperable after just a few weeks? Do you have the necessary warranties for repairs and have you sought out repair services from the dealership? Have you had to take the car in repeatedly for the same repairs? If you answer yes to most of these questions, there’s a good chance you bought a lemon. A lemon is a term used to describe a car with faulty mechanics that a dealership or manufacturer may or may not have known about before making the sale.

If you fear that you purchased a lemon, you don’t have to be out the money. Unless you purchased the car as-is, you can fight to get your money back and invest in a different vehicle. The question is, do you need lemon law attorneys to help you win?

Choosing Arbitration Over Litigation

In some states, you may be required to go through the arbitration process before you can file a lawsuit. The arbitration process does not require an attorney and is handled between you, the dealership or manufacturer, and the arbitrator. With arbitration, you will need to provide all service and repair paperwork that you have, along with purchase documents and anything else necessary to prove that the dealership sold you a lemon. The arbitrator will review all of the facts and determine if you’re due a refund. If you lose arbitration, you can still file a lawsuit against the dealership or manufacturer.

Lemon Law Attorneys Fight for You

Lemon law attorneys are lawyers who specialize in learning all about the different state lemon laws. They work together to investigate repair records and work hard to uncover any reports or records that may have been left out of the arbitration process. If you need to sue over a faulty vehicle, then you do need a lemon law lawyer who’s well versed in this area of law. If you win, then the lawyer will go after the dealership or manufacturer for legal fees. Don’t hesitate to consult with an attorney if you feel you’ve been sold a lemon. The law is there to protect you and ensure that consumers don’t waste money on faulty vehicles. Go to the site for more information.

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