Cash in On The Big Oil Boom In Alberta

by | Aug 14, 2014 | Employment

If you pay attention to any sort of business news or even just word of mouth on the street you probably know about the huge boost in job opportunities out in Alberta. The increase in oil sands jobs in Alberta is due to an invention which allows for them to extract the oil from the natural landscape that exists in the area. Many people go straight out of trades school wherever they are and move straight to Alberta to take part in the boom out there. Alberta is also a pretty decent place to live from a quality of life standpoint with lots to do and a beautiful natural landscape which no one would typically mind working in. Careers in some areas have been dwindling lately but with the booming economy that is going on out west people are lining up to find a way to get out there and start their way to making a better than average wage. With a trades school degree you could have a one way ticket to a comfortable lifestyle in Alberta.

What Oil Sands Jobs in Alberta Have to Offer

The reason the boom in Alberta’s oil industry has resulted in such an economy boost for that area is because of all the new jobs that are available the increase in workers needed in general. There are a few different kinds of work that are available in this area. First off, the people running heavy equipment can get paid upward of a hundred thousand dollars a year which is great money for that sort of work. It is great to go out there with a knowledge on a few different types of heavy machinery so that you do not get out there and find out all the spots are filled up, even though this is not likely as it is a huge industry for oil sands jobs in Alberta and many say there still is opportunity in droves. You can also find jobs for repairs, cleaning and general maintenance of equipment and heavy machinery. These people also get paid a pretty decent wage. Going out to Alberta is a great way to further your career for the better in a great place to live.

Finding A Career in Alberta

Finding oil sands jobs in Alberta is doable because of the recent economic boost. Look into the careers available in the area and make a decision about whether or not you can make a good living in the area. If not, trade school is available and apprenticeships could also be a good option to help you qualify for some great opportunities when you get out to Alberta.

Looking for oil sands jobs in Alberta? Go to for a great directory of jobs in the area.

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