CDL Classes in New Castle, DE Qualify Drivers for Fresh Food Transport Jobs

by | Sep 15, 2023 | Driving School

Individuals interested in a truck driving career might have heard that a commercial driver’s license (CDL) isn’t required for agricultural jobs. However, that’s generally only true for jobs involving limited travel. A CDL may be necessary for workers who travel hundreds of miles from the enterprise. CDL classes in New Castle, DE provide interested men and women with the knowledge and skills they will need.

Transporting Fresh Vegetables

Regulations allow workers without a CDL to drive around the agricultural enterprise itself and a limited amount on public roads. For instance, they can haul loads of corn or grain to a grain elevator relatively close by.

However, consider work involving transporting fresh vegetables to a canning factory more than 200 miles away in a different state. That type of work may require a CDL, which can be obtained after completing CDL classes in New Castle, DE. Some states also mandate a CDL when drivers work for the same company longer than a specified number of days.

About This Work

Drivers could ship dozens of loads every week until the end of harvesting season. They might contract with a company that owns the fields or one focusing on transporting raw products for canned and frozen food producers. During the off-season, they’re qualified to drive for other transport companies.

Important Considerations

This arrangement appeals to individuals who like the freedom to choose their own schedule much of the year as opposed to being a trucking company employee. During harvest season, they’ll be home every night. That’s uncommon for over-the-road drivers.

Anyone interested in this career may learn about Smith & Solomon Commercial Driver Training at their website.

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