How to Choose Florists in Charlotte, NC

by | Jan 21, 2014 | Florist

There are times when someone we love is celebrating an exciting event or going through a tough time, and it isn’t possible to be there. If you have a loved one who you want to feel special, then consider sending them flowers. It is the perfect way to let them know that they are on your mind, and to let them know that you care. The best place to start when you want to send flowers is to locate quality florists Charlotte, NC. They can help you design the perfect flower bouquet and deliver it to the recipient on your behalf. Here are a few tips to help you find one that will provide flowers that are beautiful and will leave your friend or family member feeling loved.

Quality of Flowers

Ask the florist how long they keep their flowers. If they keep them for an unusually long time, then that can lead to a bad looking floral arrangement. Ask them about the quality of their flowers before hand so you can rest assured that the arrangement you send will look and smell great and fresh. This is the best way to ensure you aren’t throwing your money away.


Sending flowers ins’t cheap. While most florists will charge the same price, it is a good idea to get quotes from several shops so you know you are getting the best value. This can help you send flowers without breaking the bank, and ensure that your money is well spent. Make sure you get a variety of quotes so you can make the best choice.

Delivery Service

Make sure the florists Charlotte, NC that you use provide delivery services. If not, then you may be responsible for finding another company to pick the flowers up and deliver them for you. They may charge a fee for delivery, so you should get this information upfront so you can make the most informed decision possible.

Make choosing a florist in the Charlotte area easy by placing your order with Elizabeth House Flowers Inc. They can design a beautiful arrangement that will wow the recipient, and provide dependable delivery service. Make getting the flowers you need easy by calling them to place your order today.

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