How to Choose the Right Felony Lawyer in Lititz, PA for Your Needs

by | Jun 30, 2017 | Law Services

Even though in America one is considered to be innocent until proven guilty, there is no doubt that criminal charges are a serious matter. For those facing charges such as these, it’s important to be assured that their attorney is doing everything possible to avoid a conviction, or at least minimize the penalties that may stem from the charges, if found guilty. Of course, when freedom is at stake, choosing the right felony lawyer in Lititz, PA is of utmost importance to all involved. Fortunately, there are a few considerations that will help those in need determine the right attorney for the case.

For serious charges that will most likely go to trial, it’s imperative to ensure the criminal attorney chosen is well versed in litigating a court case, if necessary. Some criminal attorneys prefer to suggest plea deals to their clients. In some cases, this may be acceptable for a relatively minor charge, but when facing potential incarceration for a serious crime, it’s vital that the lawyer chosen have the defensive skills necessary to evoke, at least, a bit of doubt in the eyes of the judge or jury. A reasonable amount of doubt is all that is necessary for a “not guilty” verdict to be reached. Additionally, there must be complete honesty between a client and their attorney. The attorney must have full disclosure of the incident in question to properly defend their client and sway the case in a favorable manner.

Most law firms, such as the Law Office of Melissa R. Montgomery, offer a free initial consultation. This allows the person and/or their family to meet with the attorney to ensure they are well matched, prior to entering into a legally binding agreement. When choosing the right felony lawyer in Lititz, PA, the conversation should flow easily. The client should feel as if the attorney has a firm understanding of the case and can confidently handle the charges. The primary goal of a criminal lawyer is to advise possible options to their client and vigorously defend them in the court system. When the consequences for a felony case seem dire, it’s reassuring to know that you’re not facing them alone, but instead your attorney is right by your side.

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