Mourning the loss of a loved one already takes a toll on people, mentally and emotionally. Preparing a funeral, choosing a cemetery, and finagling details for the service sound overwhelming. Here’s why planning is the best approach:.
Reduce the Stress
Planning eliminates plenty of stress from the process. You want your family to focus on dealing with their grief. That’s easier to achieve if you decide on the details in advance. They won’t have to make decisions—like choosing a cemetery in Lafayette —because you already took that out of their hands.
Let Them Grieve
By making arrangements in advance—from your funeral service to picking a plot in a cemetery in Lafayette—you give your family time to grieve. If you were in an accident and it was sudden, it can be harder for loved ones to accept the loss. Give them a little more of the time they need to get back on their feet emotionally.
Do It Your Way
Have as much control over the process as you want. Consider the mundane details of preparing a home or choosing a cemetery. Is the cemetery near enough to the funeral home? Is there a funeral package that includes the transfer of your remains?
Talk to Your Family
Let your loved ones know that you’ve made arrangements. Be ready for that conversation. You may be surprised to run into some resistance. That’s normal. Not everyone is comfortable talking about death. But it’s best to inform them that you have plans in place, so when the time comes, they won’t have to worry about anything.
Tip: Have a Funeral Folder
Put all the files your family will need in that folder. What photo do you want them to use for the service? Consider what will help comfort your family. Ensure all your requests, receipts, living wills or estate plans, insurance documents, and everything else are in the file.
To learn more contact Queen of Heaven Cemetery & Funeral Center today.