Combination Treatments by Massage Therapists and Chiropractors in Renton WA Help With a Variety of Physical Disorders

by | Feb 25, 2019 | Health Care

Chiropractors in Renton WA make it their mission to help patients minimize or eliminate pain through the correction of vertebral subluxations, which are musculoskeletal irregularities that can be resolved. These problems can develop because of improper posture as well as acute injury or injury due to repetitive activity. When the vertebrae are in proper alignment, the body is better able to heal itself. This should enhance overall wellness.

Massage Benefits

Chiropractors in Renton WA who include massage therapists as complementary practitioners are advantageous for patients who want this combination of treatments. Techniques used by massage therapists relax the muscles and relieve stress. A massage can reduce pain and aching in the muscles, increase flexibility while decreasing stiffness, and allow the person to generally feel better. Loosening tight muscles through massage is an effective strategy for decreasing debilitating pain.

The Focus of Massage Therapists and Chiropractors

Massage therapists generally concentrate on the muscles for the most part, while chiropractors focus more on the spine. Chiropractors do treat the entire musculoskeletal system, however, with the spinal manipulations and adjustments. Their work has positive effects not only on the spinal cord but on the connecting muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Chiropractors are holistic practitioners who have completed a high level of training to qualify for the title of doctor. They may provide recommendations to patients regarding changes in dietary habits and exercise. They may want to know about the patient’s lifestyle since stress can be a relevant factor in various types of pain.

Disorders Treated by Chiropractors

Some men and women discover their chronic physical disorders can be managed with regular standing appointments at a chiropractic center. Others schedule a prompt appointment when they have a specific need. They might experience a slipped disc every few months, for instance, because of degenerative disc disease.

A variety of conditions can be treated at a clinic such as Pearson Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center in addition to dealing with sudden injuries like whiplash or those developing from repetitive strain. A primary example is is spinal osteoarthritis, which is a common condition in people in middle age and the senior years. Chiropractors and massage therapists help patients with chronic headaches, bursitis, pinched spinal nerves, and many other disorders.

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