It’s common for businesses with numerous hourly employees to provide paid 10-minute or 15-minute breaks twice a day. Those breaks give employees the chance to get away from the desk, machine or other work station and relax for a bit. They can converse with co-workers, read, use their phone for texting or take a brief walk. It’s a very long-standing tradition for businesses to provide free coffee to workers, and Commercial Coffee Machines in Dallas make this easy. The employees appreciate being able to pick up a cup of coffee during their morning breaks in a lunch room or other room designated for relaxation. The caffeine and the short time away from the workstation help them recharge and feel energized for getting back to the job. Of course, workers who want to avoid caffeine should be offered the opportunity for free decaf coffee.
Commercial Coffee Machines in Dallas can be viewed as an important part of workplace culture and the social environment. Workers get to know one another as they sit in the break room. New employees have the chance to socialize as coffee breaks the ice. During those brief moments, personal discussions develop and everyone learns a little about their colleagues. This can be the spark for colleagues becoming friends and spending time together outside of work. The workplace atmosphere is enhanced.
People also appreciate the chance to have coffee or other beverages at their workstations, but research has shown that a little downtime in the midst of the workday is beneficial. Workers have been found to be more effective at their jobs if they can take a short break. They don’t make as many mistakes, they show better concentration and alertness, and they are more productive. These workers also rank their stress levels lower than do employees who don’t get breaks.
Some states require lunch breaks, but Texas is not one of them. Employers don’t have to give their workers time off for lunch or for coffee breaks. Nevertheless, savvy managers know that doing so is best for employee satisfaction and productivity.