Common Services Offered at The Waterlab in Medford, OR

by | Apr 23, 2018 | Water Treatment

Well water is commonly used on many farms and bigger properties all throughout Medford. If you own a piece of land that has a well dug on it in Medford, you might want to consider hiring the Waterlab in order to run some tests from time to time. The water that is derived from the wells can mix with other industrial water run-off, and this could significantly contaminate the water that you drink. The Waterlab offers a number of services to local customers all throughout Medford. Here are just a few of the many services that they offer.

Water Testing

Are you worried that the well water you are drinking is not safe for consumption? Do you feel that the water has been contaminated in the past few days? Is there a difference in the way the water tastes or in the texture of the water? If you notice any of these issues with the water supply, you might want to consider getting the water supply tested. You can contact the Waterlab in Medford, OR in order to get the well water tested. The company will take the water samples from the well water and then test them in the lab before giving you a breakdown of mineral content.

Other Services

Apart from testing the water, this company also offers a number of other services. companies doesn’t just offer well testing services, they also provide public water testing services and wastewater and environmental management techniques. Their services are required by a number of local companies throughout the region, as well as local government agencies. If you require their water testing services for environmental or wastewater treatment plants, you can simply call the company and set an appointment with them.

Click here for more details about the waterlab in Medford, OR for quality analysis.

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