There are many pests that can enter a home. Some of these are a simple nuisance and others end up causing health concerns to the occupants of the home. Many homeowners hire a pest control company to come out annually to inspect their home for pests. Along with annual inspections, it is important homeowners are aware of the signs they should look for so they will know when they should seek Pest Control in Columbia MD.
• Rodents are one of the biggest health threats to the occupants of a home. Mice and rats carry diseases like leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and salmonellosis. When a homeowner sees a rodent, chances are there are many more hidden in the home. The signs of rodents in a home include droppings, torn up papers and fabrics and chewed food containers. Rodents need to be removed as soon as possible, so the home is free of disease risks.
• Cockroaches are another disease-carrying pest that invade homes. These pests are more difficult to spot because they tend only to come out at night when a home is quiet. Cockroaches can cause respiratory illness in those with allergies and asthma. These pests have also been known to carry more than 33 different types of bacteria. Signs of roaches in a home include coffee ground-like waste trails or a stray roach coming out during the day or night. Seeing roaches during the day is a good sign their nests are full, and they are being pushed out.
• When a home is invaded with ants, homeowners see them on a regular basis. They typically come inside during warmer months and seek out food. Ants may come inside in big numbers when food is left out. They may also invade pet food bags and garbage. While most ants are little more than a pest, some can cause damage to a home or produce painful bites.
These are, but just a few of the pests homeowners deal with. If a homeowner notices signs of pests in their home, they need to call for Pest Control in Columbia MD. For more information on these services, visit the website.