Compelling Reasons to Getting Dental Implants in Baltimore City

by | Mar 10, 2016 | Dentistry

With the last of the teeth now history, the patient is faced with finding suitable replacements. Luckily, the dentist has determined that the jaw structure is strong enough to allow for something other than dentures. That other something happens to be Dental Implants in Baltimore City. Here are some of the reasons why choosing this approach will serve the patient well in the years to come.

Taking the Place of Real Teeth

Denture plates do provide the look of real teeth and provide many of the same basic functions. Even so, dentures do not actually take the place of real teeth. They simple adhere to the tops and sides of the gums. By contrast, Dental Implants in Baltimore City fit into the jaw bone and occupy the space where the teeth once resided.

The fact that the implants are embedded in the jaws allows them to do something for the patient that dentures can never do. That is maintains the shape and contour of the jaw. Without teeth in place, the gums will shrink. That changes the look of the lower part of the face. With implants, those changes don’t happen.

A Similar Hygiene Routine

With implants, the patient continues most of the typical daily oral hygiene strategy. There is still the need to brush after every meal, and it is safe to use mouthwash. Flossing is either discouraged completely, or the dentist will recommend extreme caution to avoid gum infections and bleeding. The patient will still come in for checkups and to have the caps of the implants cleaned.

No SlippagePerhaps the benefit that seals the deal for many patients is the permanency of the implants. Unlike denture plates, implants cannot slip out of position. That means no teeth were falling into the soup at dinner, and no sensation of a dental plate beginning to work loose while talking. The implants will not budge any matter what the patient happens to be doing.

For anyone who needs to start thinking about an alternative to natural teeth, click here to get more info about dental implants. Talk with the dentist and find out if they are an option. If so, making plans for the fitting and the installation is the right thing to do.

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