Considering Options for a Single Tooth Replacement in Fishers, IN

by | May 3, 2016 | Dentistry

While most of the damage from a recent accident could be repaired, there was one casualty. A tooth is now missing, leaving a noticeable gap when the individual smiles. There is more than one way to go about a Single Tooth Replacement in Fishers IN and restore the smile. Here are the options that the dentist is likely to recommend.

A Dental Bridge

One way to manage the Single Tooth Replacement in Fishers IN is to invest in a dental bridge. This is essentially a false tooth that is equipped with loops to fit over and between the healthy teeth on each side of the gap. While this solution can be prepared in a relatively short period of time, keep in mind that it will likely involve some grinding of the two adjacent teeth. In addition, the bridge will not do anything to help maintain the contour of the bone in the now vacant socket.

Partial Denture

Another approach is to be fitted with a denture to fit neatly over the gap. Like a full plate of dentures, the device is configured to look just like a real tooth and will fit over the gum. The denture is held in place using adhesive, and can be removed for cleaning every night. As with the bridge, the denture will not provide any type of support for the bone in jaw, so expect some shifting as the years pass.

A Dental Implant

While it is a little more complicated, opting for a single tooth dental implant makes sense. The implant fits directly into the vacant socket, essentially replacing the lost tooth. A cap designed to resemble the missing tooth is secured to the top of the implant. Along with helping maintain the shape of the jaw, this approach will stay inplace without the aid of adhesives or anchors.

To learn more about each of these options, Contact Business Name today and arrange an examination with a dental professional. After assessing the situation, it will be easier to answer questions about each of these solutions and help the patient choose the approach that will provide the most benefits.

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