Convenient Cosmetic Dentistry in Reston

by | Feb 15, 2024 | Cosmetic Dentist

It is safe to say that many want the healthiest, prettiest smile possible. When we feel good about our smile, it allows us to be our true selves. More importantly, it provides confidence, whether with friends or strangers.

Cosmetic dentistry in Reston can help address any issues you want to handle. Scheduling an appointment at Cascades Dental will help to correct things such as chips, damaged teeth, and more. Here are a few significant reasons to see a cosmetic dentist near you.

Reshaping and Contouring

One of the most common reasons for cosmetic dentistry in Reston is to help reshape and contour teeth. There are other treatments for that kind of thing, but they tend to be a lot more comprehensive and expensive.

Contouring can help change the shape and the position of teeth. It is also great for eliminating gaps and overlaps while also removing plaque and tartar that has built up.

Tooth Whitening

Without a doubt, the single most common reason for cosmetic dentistry in Reston is tooth whitening. Everyone wants brighter, whiter teeth to make them feel good about each smile.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can help address even the most comprehensive stains. They go beyond surface stains, using a peroxide-based compound to get rid of stains while providing a much deeper clean. It can also help to improve dark or damaged teeth. That’s just the tip of the iceberg regarding cosmetic dentistry.

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