Create Your Own Ring Using Moissanite Gemstones for Glamour on a Budget

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Online Jewellery Shop

The diamond engagement ring or wedding band of your dreams doesn’t always match up to your budget. You could deal with the sticker shock by scaling down your expectations or look for an affordable alternative that’s just as shiny and resilient as a diamond. Moissonanite gemstones are a great choice if you value flexibility and want to create your own ring at low cost.

Benefits of Customized Moissanite Jewelry

Customized jewelry sends the message that the recipient is one of a kind. If your spouse-to-be is involved in ring shopping, it also allows you to ask for input about key elements of the design. Since wedding and engagement rings are long-term investments, you should aim to create something your loved one will enjoy wearing for years to come.

Lab-created moissanite is a top choice for custom jewelry because it’s produced ethically and resists wear. This gemstone is naturally more refractive than a diamond and has a 9.25 hardness level on the Mohs scale, making it exceptionally durable with a beautiful, slightly iridescent sparkle. In fact, at small sizes, moissanite gems are difficult to distinguish from diamonds.

Buying loose moissanite gems is a smart way to create your own ring on a budget, especially if your sweetie has always dreamed of a large, luxurious gem. On average, one carat of moissanite costs roughly 90 percent less than a similarly sized diamond. The moderate price makies it easier to pay for several carats or buy multiple stones, so you can put the bulk of your funds toward working with a reputable jeweler on the band design. The most important thing is to create a memorable ring that captures the meaning behind your commitment and fills you and your loved with joy.

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