If you are faced with the death of a loved one or planning your own end of life services, one of the larger choices is whether to continue with a traditional burial or consider the benefits of cremation. Cremation is gaining in popularity and is rising to be the option chosen in half of all deaths in the United States. Cremation has many benefits over a traditional burial including cost and a variety of unique and traditional options for the remains.
If a viewing is desired, it is possible to schedule one before the body is cremated. The body can be preserved through refrigeration until the viewing, avoiding the need for embalming. Once the body is cremated, there are a variety of ways available to take care of the remains. As in a traditional burial, an urn containing the remains can be placed in a cemetery permanently either in a columbarium or underground. Some cemeteries have gardens where ashes can be spread. Ashes can be scattered at sea or over land. Remains can be kept at home in an urn or turned into unique treasures such as an hourglass that can be kept on a mantle, placed in a special urn that can be planted and grow a tree, or as memorial jewelry that can become a family heirloom. Remains can also be used to create a diamond, a glass paperweight, or secured within a stuffed toy.
Although some religious affiliations discourage cremation, it is increasing in popularity. The trend toward secularism, concern for the environment, and the fact that family ties to a particular location are obsolete may be influencing increased acceptance for cremation. Cremation in Bel Air is an alternative to a traditional burial that eliminates extra costs and provides a variety of unique and traditional options for the final the placement of remains.
Visit the website for more information about cremation and to help get you through the process as smoothly as possible in Bel Air.