Differences Between a Cosmetic Dentist and General Dentist in Fargo ND

by | Feb 20, 2019 | Dentistry

Everyone needs to have a general dentist that they can go to for regular maintenance, but they may require a cosmetic dentist in Fargo ND, as well. Therefore, it is important to know the differences between the two and whether or not your general dentist is a cosmetic dentist.


Many people believe that a cosmetic dentist is a specialty in the field of dentistry, but the ADA (American Dental Association) does not recognize it as such. This does not mean that a dentist that provides cosmetic procedures does not have special education and the ability to do more than normal cleanings and many dentists do specialize in cosmetic dentistry and base their entire practice on it because it has become incredibly popular.

What Do They Do?

A general or family dentist will clean your teeth, check for cavities, fill them, perform root canals and do other repairing procedures. They will also take X-rays of your teeth and keep you informed on the best way to take care of your teeth. Many times, your regular dentist will also perform cosmetic procedures, including dental bonding and teeth whitening. However, a general dentist is usually focused more on painful tooth problems and fixing them.

A cosmetic dentist usually has more education than a regular one and has skills in more cosmetic treatments, including dental implants, porcelain veneers, crowns, Invisalign braces and bridges. These dentists still care about your overall health but will usually focus more on the appearance of the teeth aesthetically.

How to Find One

If you are searching for a cosmetic dentist in Fargo ND, you have many great options. Before visiting with them, do research on their education by asking them where they attended school and ask them about all their certifications. You may also want to ask about the specific procedure you want, such as teeth whitening. If they provide this option, ask how many patients have had their teeth whitened with that dentist. If the number is high, this means it is a popular procedure and they have a lot of experience and not just training.

You should also ask to see before/after photos of current patients. Many dentists have websites that offer this information, but you don’t know who it was or when the picture was taken. Instead, ask to see current photos and ask if you can contact those patients to ask them specific questions.

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