What are Some Different Types of Leadership Development Programs?

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Education and Training

It is often understood in the corporate world regardless of whether a company is succeeding or failing, the reason is because of the competency of their corporate leadership. As a result, when things are not going well for a particular company, regardless of size, they may find themselves wanting to enroll some of their higher-ups in a leadership development program. However, there are several different types of leadership development programs, so let us take a few moments to review some of the more popular options a company may be considering.

Executive Coaching is Excellent to Improve Leadership Skills

Out of the myriad of options for leadership development programs a company can choose from, executive coaching is usually the most popular option. This is a good choice when a company is looking to change course on how its upper management is conducting itself. Executive coaching focuses on working with the upper executives in a company to improve certain general skill sets. These include effective leadership strategies, fostering empathy for subordinates, developing credibility and emotional intelligence to further the appearance of reliability within the company.

Core Skills Enhancement Allows for Targeted Training

In contrast to executive coaching classes core skills enhancement classes allow either executives or middle managers to be enrolled. They are also far more specific in their purview and intended goals. As the name implies, these courses specifically focus on a core set of skills the executive team or middle managers may be lacking. It focuses on ways to improve them over time. The content for these courses is often custom designed for each client. This is likely because no two teams are going to function exactly the same way or be facing the same set of issues.

For more information about leadership development programs, contact or visit at their website today!

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