Don’t Make These Mistakes When Buying AR15 Parts Online

by | Jan 17, 2018 | Guns

In a 2012 a Congressional Research Service report estimated that in 2009 there were over 310 million firearms in the United States. That includes handguns, rifles, and shotguns. The exact number of AR15s and other forms of similar rifles is not precise, but according to an article in Slate in 2012, those total weapons included about 3.3 million, with the National Shooting Sports Foundation reporting that number, as of 2016, can be as high as 8.2 million.

With this number of AR15 weapons in circulation, and the ability to customize and repair these guns as one of the benefits of ownership, it is no wonder that there is an increasing number of places to purchase AR15 parts.

Finding Parts Online

Finding the ideal place to buy AR15 parts will require a bit of knowledge on the part of the consumer. There are a lot of cheap, low-quality parts that are flooding the internet, with many produced outside of the United States and with limited quality control with production.

This creates the risk of parts that don’t perform, which can lead to problems in using the parts for repairs without having to make modifications. It can also decrease the accuracy and performance of the weapon, which may not be something that a new gun owner will consider.

Buying American Made

When buying parts online for an AR15, look at the manufacturer and ensure they are a US-based company with production facilities in the United States. It is also a good idea to find out if the manufacturer offers AR15 parts to the military and through distributors and dealers as this indicates top quality as well as precision with all parts sold.

Always take the time to compare parts from different manufacturers. Paying a small amount more for a part that is going to last and add to the enjoyment of using your weapon is money well spent for any type of gun owner from casual to competitive.

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