Car accidents happen more often than they should, and people get hurt sometimes. Hopefully you never have to use the following tips, but try to keep them in mind to help maximize the chances of getting the most out of a claim.
Never Admit Fault
It is natural to say things like, “I’m sorry,” or other similar phrases after an accident even if you weren’t at fault. Sometimes these things are said to comfort the other driver, but this is not the time to do that. Do not admit to anything after an accident because an insurance company can use that to discredit you.
Don’t Deny Care
Be sure to get car accident injury care in Jacksonville, FL, as soon as a medical professional suggests it. Some people deny care after an accident because they are afraid or maybe they don’t feel like the injury was serious enough. If the paramedics believe you should get care, then get it, because denying care could be used against you.
Medical Care
Some injuries do not require immediate attention, but that does not mean you shouldn’t get car accident injury care in Jacksonville, FL, as soon as you can. It is vital that you do not wait, even if you do not feel a thing, because a problem could still arise a few days later. An insurance company could exploit this delay and try to minimize your compensation. Internal injuries do not show symptoms sometimes, and you should not take any chances.
Clever Insurance
It is important that you do not give a recorded statement about what happened to an insurance claims adjuster. These individuals know what questions to ask to try to get you to say something incriminating. You can say you were in an accident and provide personal information, but nothing beyond that.
Hopefully, these points help ensure you get the most out of your claim. Insurance companies are not always on your side, so make sure you keep that in mind during and after this accident.