Enhance Your Smile With A Teeth Whitening Dentist in Houston, TX

by | Oct 25, 2023 | Dentist

Nothing draws attention more than a bright, attractive smile. Healthy, white teeth can have a distinct effect on how you are perceived, in work situations and in social settings. If your smile isn’t as bright as it once was, teeth whitening is an easy and cost-effective way to improve your smile and help you to feel more confident.

Who Can Benefit From Teeth Whitening?

Anyone who has natural, unrestored teeth that doesn’t include tooth-oolored fillings can benefit from teeth whitening. The procedure does not work for dentures, caps or veneers. If you regularly consume coffee, tea, red wine and other foods that can stain your teeth, the procedure can help to remove discoloration and brighten your smile. Individuals who smoke can experience discoloration of the teeth that can be helped by the whitening procedure. Simple aging can also cause discoloration of your teeth that whitening can remedy.

The Teeth Whitening Process

Your dentist will first determine the current shade of your teeth using a chart. A pumice tool is then used to remove any plaque that is on your teeth. Certain types of barriers may be used to protect tissues inside the mouth. Then, the whitening agent is applied to the teeth and left on for a period of time. After the treatment, the mouth is carefully rinsed, and the dentist will discuss ways to protect your teeth from further discoloration.

Teeth whitening is a simple process that can make a dramatic difference. If you are considering a teeth whitening dentist in Houston, TX, contact Palmer Dental Group of Houston, for an appointment to learn how teeth whitening can help you have a brighter, more attractive smile.

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