When Neal Stephenson first envisioned the idea of the Metaverse in 1992, he likely didn’t imagine that it would become much of anything in the real world. After all, he merely wanted to create something that could go beyond the bounds of regular TCP/IP networking in order to avoid constraining the concept of his novel Snow Crash. Now, however, computer specialists have taken his ideas to the next level and deployed genuine enterprise Metaverse technologies that give people the freedom to hold meetings in cyberspace.
Companies that need to hold virtual meetings have typically done so through three-way calling services, an online service or some combination of the two. None of these options allow people to actually explore and interact with the environment around other people that they’re meeting with. They’re also less than ideal when it comes to giving demonstrations of a good or service that a purchasing department might actually want to spend real money on.
Even though interactions inside of an enterprise Metaverse environment aren’t necessarily real, they’re a superior stand-in compared to those inside of a chatroom or video conference. People who find themselves inside of an enterprise Metaverse landscape will feel like they’re in a room or other space with the people around them. Graphic designers can theoretically draw whatever sort of landscape they wanted to.
While some people have used this as an example of why the Metaverse is more of a toy than a serious business tool, quite the opposite is true. This flexibility ensures that everything can be custom tailored to each organization using it.