Do you need a home or auto insurance? If so, look no further. Accurate Auto Insurance will give you an instant quote to see how much it will cost to protect your home and your vehicle. We are one of the best home and auto insurance companies in Illinois!
Since 1992, Accurate Auto Insurance has been offering a cheap option for drivers in 14 states including New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania. As one of best auto insurance experts in the Chicago area, we are excited to be able to offer you inexpensive yet quality auto insurance at the lowest possible rates. We are not like other insurance companies who only claim to have the cheapest auto insurance. Accurate Auto Insurance guarantees you the lowest possible price.
Have you ever wondered what the point of insurance is? You make a payment each month, yet it may seem to be going nowhere. If you have never filed a claim or are brand-new to home or car ownership, you may be frustrated with the expense of insurance that never seems to give you anything back in return. Don’t be fooled. Car and home insurance are there to protect you.
Depending on the type of insurance you are interested in, you can choose from several different options. For example, PLPD auto insurance protects you from lawsuits. Car insurance is also for repairing damage to the vehicles themselves. Home insurance can help you in the event of a fire, flood, act of nature, theft and emergency home repair.
If you are looking for excellent insurance for your automobile or your home, consider using Accurate Auto Insurance. We also offer SR-22 and SR50 insurance plans for autos and will provide you with the lowest possible price quote. We are one of the best home and auto insurance companies in Illinois and look forward to serving you.