What to Expect from CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

by | Jan 23, 2015 | Healthcare

Your skin is pretty remarkable. It is continually rejuvenating itself; however, with continued exposure to the sun and the aging process, your skin can begin to appear blotchy and wrinkled as time passes. With Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing in Los Angeles, the amount of blotchiness due to sun damage, or acne scars and even wrinkles can be significantly diminished, helping to create a fresher and younger looking appearance.

Treatment Options for Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing

The Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing in Los Angeles is able to be used for vaporizing a patient’s skin. This technique uses a layer by layer technique. The latest CO2 lasers that are being used can improve the delivery systems which will help to treat a patient’s skin without having to worry with prolonged recovery, which commonly occurs with the older systems.

Issues Successfully Treated with Fractionated CO2 Resurfacing

When Co2 Laser Skin Resurfacing at MetroMD in Los Angeles is performed, it can help anyone achieve a much more attractive and younger looking appearance. Some of the specific benefits that it offers includes the following:

•  Elimination of certain precancers and skin tumors.
•  Reduction of your skin’s blotchiness.
•  Ability to even out your skin tone.
•  Smoothes scars from acne and a number of other causes.
•  Removal of wrinkles and other fine lines.

The procedure that occurs with the CO2 laser skin resurfacing technique is used with intravenous anesthesia and will be completed as an outpatient procedure There are a number of patients that have chosen to complete this procedure along with a number of other surgical procedures, including neck lifts, face lifts and eye lifts, which will eliminate the requirement of several different recovery periods.

When the procedure is completed by a knowledgeable plastic surgeon, you can feel confident that you will receive the many benefits that this resurfacing treatment has to offer. You should ensure they have access to the latest lasers, which will ensure superior precision for the area that you are planning to have treated.

MetroMD offers this laser resurfacing procedure, along with a number of other cosmetic procedures that will help you to look and feel younger. Successfully reducing wrinkles and sun spots will help to give people more confidence and the procedure is minimally invasive, so recovery time will not be excessive. For more information you can call for information and discuss your needs with the professionals that actually offer the procedure.

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