Expert Tips on the Proper Time and Procedure of Legume Inoculation

by | Oct 6, 2022 | Biotechnology Company

If you are new to the process and concept of inoculating your beans and other legumes before planting, then you might be wondering how exactly to do it in the most efficient manner possible. Here are some expert tips on when and how to inoculate your plants.

Before The Crop

You will obviously want to inoculate your plants before they are planted for the final stages of growth and being able to be cultivated. This can be done by mixing the soil inoculant with the earth that the legumes in which the legumes will be grown or by putting them directly into the transplant hole that the plants are placed in.

Mix Well

Many first-time gardeners before learning when and how to inoculate your plants make the mistake of simply leaving the beneficial microbes on top of the soil without mixing it in well. This can be disastrous as the sunlight that plants need to grow will actually destroy the bacteria. This is why it is crucial that you mix the inoculant thoroughly with the planting soil.

Buy Pre-made

While it is certainly possible to make your own inoculant, most gardening professionals advise that you simply purchase pre-made soil inoculant as everything will be in the proper ratio for exactly what you need. This absolves you of making any mistake or error when it comes to microbe and nitrogen levels.

To learn more about legume inoculants, please contact DYNOMYCO. They will be able to answer any questions that you might have.

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