Facts You May Not Know About Urgent Care Clinics

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Health Care

There are many different options regarding health care for those in the United States. Even some pharmacies offer clinics. On top of that, we have emergency rooms, primary physicians, and most areas also offer at least one urgent care clinic. For those who are unfamiliar with urgent care in Marlboro, NJ, we wanted to offer some insight into these facilities. Even those who have visited them may learn something new.

Insurance May Cover Services

Most insurance companies cover a large portion of the bill when visiting an urgent care clinic. However, the co-pay may be a bit more expensive than it would be for visiting your primary physician. It still beats the cost of an emergency room visit, though. Don’t let the cost keep you from seeking out the care you need when you need it.

Visit in the Middle of the Day

While you might work during the day and need to drop by in the morning or evening, these are the busiest times. If you must visit then, you can expect to have a longer wait for services. However, if you can take an hour off work in the middle of the day, you might be able to get in and out more quickly.

The Wait Beats the Emergency Room

Based on information from Urgent Care Locations, you can expect to wait from 15 to 45 minutes at urgent care. That might still seem long on the tail end, but it’s much shorter than the wait at your local emergency room. Often this wait can end up being closer to three hours.

Sometimes the ER is Needed

Despite the advantages available from urgent care facilities, some situations require an emergency room. If you believe your illness is serious or life-threatening, skip the urgent care and visit your hospital. This includes situations where you have pain in your chest, abdominal pain with vomiting, severe burns, numbness in your face, leg, and arm, or difficulty breathing.

Physicals Are Provided

You may believe a facility for urgent care wouldn’t have routine services, but you may be surprised. Most of these businesses offer physicals and similar services. This can be a great option if you need one done quickly but your primary physician isn’t available.

Care Near You

At My Insta Doc Urgent Care Of Marlboro in Marlboro, we offer many services to those in the area at a reasonable price.

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