When opossums are discovered in a home or close to a property, they may need to be removed for the safety of those living in the home. It’s generally a good idea for the homeowner to look into professional opossum removal in Westerville OH for safety reasons. Below are some FAQs about opossum removal.
Are Opossums Dangerous?
Opossums will generally give plenty of warning before attacking. They’d rather run, and if they can’t run, they will hiss and make lots of noises to look as scary as possible to try to get whatever is threatening them to leave them alone. If this fails, they can attack and can cause serious injuries. They can also spread diseases if they do attack.
How are Opossums Removed From the Home?
Opossums will need to be trapped if they’re inside the home. A wildlife removal professional will set a live trap to catch the opossum without injuring it. Then, they will remove the trap from the home and relocate the opossum. They will need to inspect the home to ensure there are no babies. If there are, the babies will need to be relocated with the mother.
How Can Opossums be Trapped on the Property?
Like trapping an opossum in the home, any opossums on the property will need to be trapped with a live trap. Bait can be used to encourage the opossum to go inside the trap. Once they are caught, they will be removed from the property and released in a safe location.
Where Will the Opossums be Taken?
The opossums that are trapped will be relocated to an area that is safe for them to be. This is generally far from the home to ensure they do not return to the property or try to get inside again. The professionals who handle wildlife removal know where to let them go so the opossums will have the chance to live their life.
If you’ve noticed opossums getting close to your home or have seen signs they might have gotten into your home, call a professional for opossum removal in Westerville OH right away. It’s generally not safe for homeowners to try to do this on their own, find more information and get help today.