Fasting May Promote Better Health

by | Dec 17, 2019 | Health

Fasting has longstanding religious roots but many of the people who practice it today do so for the health benefits. There are some significant benefits to fasting but there’s more to it than starving yourself. Hildegard believed in a gentle form of fasting, imposing some discipline and releasing spiritual vitality.

Stay Hydrated

Fasting is more about reducing calories than eliminating all intake. Hydration to satiation and the intent to cleanse. This is perhaps the most important element in a fasting regimen. Ideally, drink water while you fast. The water helps cleanse your body and ensure it functions normally until you start eating again. There are only a few things you can drink without breaking the fast. These include water, black coffee, and plain tea. Of course, a Hildegard fast would also encourage consuming various forms of spelt coffee and broth.

Limit Fasting Period

Fasting longer doesn’t necessarily increase the benefits. In fact, fasting for more than 24 hours at a time often contributes to irritability, lack of focus, and low energy levels. The Hildegard philosophy of fasting refers to these roadblocks as fasting crises. Intermittent fasting allows you to eat every day while realizing many of the health benefits of fasting. Instead of eating periodically throughout the day, limit consumption during brief windows of 8 to ten hours.


Fasting to lose weight generally means continuing with gentle and moderate exercise routines. Some people choose to exercise before they break their fasts while others are more comfortable doing their workout during their eating window. If you’re intermittent fasting, you’ll be able to exercise every day. However, if you’re using a method with a longer fasting period, listen to your body.

To ensure you get all the nutrients you need while fasting, try Hildegard’s Original Bitters Tablets.

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