Police dogs are just as important to have on the scene as regular police women and men. However, it is necessary to understand that dogs have different needs than humans and aren’t able to articulate those needs to you as easily. Therefore, a K9 heat alarm may be a helpful piece of equipment to have, especially if you work with dogs frequently.
Typical features of these alarms include a monitoring system for the temperature of the vehicle, a horn activation module, accuracy, full LCD display and other options. You can set the monitoring system to warn you when the temperature in the vehicle gets above a set amount, such as 85 degrees. These systems are typically accurate enough to half a degree. This means that once it reaches 85 or 86 degrees, you will be alarmed at the rise. Most systems offer horn activation, meaning your car horn will continuously honk until you shut off the monitoring device, successfully alerting you to the problem. Other alerting options include window dropping automatically to let in cooler air, beepers and pagers.
The benefits of a K9 heat alarm are endless. Your police dog is an important part of your task force. Without him, the other officers will have a lower morale, and you may not catch criminals. Therefore, it’s important to consider the benefits of these alarms. The primary benefit is that you will be alerted when the temperature rises too high so that your dog doesn’t pass out or die from the excessive heat. This allows you more freedom to go into a crime scene or situation first to find out if the police dog will be required or not.
These alarms can also prolong the life of the dog, allowing him or her to live longer because you won’t risk killing them with the heat of the vehicle.
Most alarms offer many options so you can choose what works best. In most cases, the honking of the car horn will be enough to notify you or other officers that the dog must be let out. However, you may be busy enough that you can’t get to the car so you can also consider window dropping or turning on the vehicle to start the air conditioner.
The options are almost limitless and are just a matter of personal preference and budget. Many companies can customize any package to meet your needs.