Massage therapy is used to alleviate strain to muscles and joints utilizing pressure points on the body. Craniosacral massage is a light touch therapy used to realign the head, neck, and spine down to the hip joints to relieve pain and fatigue in patients. Customers looking for a therapist who can perform Craniosacral Massage in Lexington KY can find many qualified medical groups or chiropractors in their area. The use of craniosacral massage promotes the healthy flow of cerebral spinal fluid through the neck and spine. By aligning the joints and muscles, patients feel the stress melt away and report that they are less fatigued and have fewer health problems associated with improper spine alignment. Individual massage therapies use Eastern Medicine to heal ailments like migraine headaches. Targeting the neck and spine, this particular therapy works on the central nervous system to control the patient’s overall health and well-being. Craniosacral Massage was first developed and put to use by an osteopathic physician and biomechanics professor named John Upledger. Upledger believed that by helping patients keep proper alignment of the spine, they could use their bodies to fight diseases that affected the nervous system, endocrine, and immune system. Patients receiving this therapy reported less stress, fatigue, and symptoms of depression became minimized.
In the Eastern cultures, this therapy is used to help patients who suffer from cancer. While there is no direct evidence that these massage therapies can cure cancer, individuals have reported that tumor size is reduced, and reoccurrence is minimized. Patients looking to take control of their health should seek a qualified therapist who can perform Craniosacral Massage in Lexington KY. A doctor can often recommend a physician or rehabilitation center certified in this particular therapy. Patients wishing to seek alternative remedies should always consult with their Primary Care Physician before starting any treatments involving the head, neck, and spine.
For more information on facilities, individuals can visit to view the different types of massage therapies they offer for patients suffering from spinal issues. They provide a hands-on approach along with traditional and state-of-the-art medical practices to relieve joint and muscle ailments. They will work to develop a path to healing designed to the individual patient’s needs and desired results.