Finding kitchen equipment for wholesale purposes can be hard because there is a lot to consider. However, following a few quick steps can lead you in the right direction.
You can search for wholesale commercial kitchen equipment vendors online, but there are some strict rules. You should only choose a company that has over a 4.8 rating online, and you really need to analyze each review. Being that this type of equipment is so expensive, you want to invest in a product/service that will give you the most for your buck.
Another way to reach wholesale commercial kitchen equipment vendors is to contact the manufacturers of the equipment. A quick stroll through your local appliance store will help you get acquainted with manufacturer names. You can contact the manufacturers directly and find out what companies they have partnered with to sell their products VIA wholesale. Going through the manufacturer is great because you get to learn about the product as you contact different customer service representatives. This will help you trust more in the product you are selling.
An example of a great company wholesaling this type of equipment is Appliance Distributors Unlimited. This company has many commercial appliances for wholesale including refrigerators, sinks, stoves, heaters, and much more. Depending on the client’s location, this company also offers installation packages and regular follow-up appointments, too. Beyond that, this company is known for saving wholesale buyers almost 20 percent on every order. This helps serious wholesale purchases save lots of money.