Four Types of Foot-Related Skin Condition Treatments in Bolingbrook IL

by | Aug 4, 2015 | Podiatrist

Skin conditions crop up everywhere, and can be caused by a number of factors. Whether someone was out in the sun too long, had a reaction to a certain product, or has a life-changing disease that has caused issues with the skin, skin conditions can occur easily and in anyone. Skin Condition Treatments in Bolingbrook IL are available for four foot-related skin problems.

Wart Removal

Plantar warts are common types found on the feet. These can begin to grow and imbed themselves deep in the foot. If the wart is in the beginning stages, it may be possible to freeze or burn the wart off. For warts that have been there longer, however, an excision will need to be made to remove them.

Bunion Surgery

Skin Condition Treatments in Bolingbrook IL include bunion surgery. A bunion often forms on the big toe, causing pain when walking or wearing shoes. Since it is formed inside the foot, surgery is the only option to remove it. Podiatrists will cut into the bone and restructure it so the bunion is eliminated.

Callus Surgery

Calluses commonly develop on the feet due to excessive pressure placed there. Some remain mild and cause no real discomfort. Others, however, may cause incredible discomfort, even making it, difficult to walk. Those calluses must be corrected. It is not actually the callus that is removed during surgery, however. The problem lies with the bone beneath it. It is that bone that can not take the pressure, and therefore allows calluses to develop. By restructuring the bone, this problem can be corrected. Visit website for more details.

Diabetic Dermopathy

Diabetics often suffer from a number of leg and feet problems, including skin-related conditions. One such condition is diabetic dermopathy. This is also known as shin spots since skin lesions and spots form over the shins. There is no real treatment for this condition, but wearing specific shoes and compression socks for diabetics can help lessen the spots.

Skin Condition Treatments in Bolingbrook IL include a wide range of techniques. Depending on what the condition is, surgery may be required to remove it, such as a wart. Other conditions require more major surgery, as the bone is the part to be worked on. Either way, the treatment should rectify the condition and eliminate the problems and pain people were facing. Those in need of treatment should consult Suburban Foot & Ankle Associates in Bolingbrook, IL.

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