Frequent Cool Weather and Rainy Days Are Factors in the Need for Furnace Repair Services in Bellingham WA

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Many people move to Bellingham because they love the incredible scenery and the relatively mild weather. These are individuals who don’t think the idea of a mild climate involves suffering through blazing heat all summer even if being able to escape bitterly cold winters.

That doesn’t mean residents don’t use furnaces here, though. Furnace Repair Services in Bellingham WA sometimes become necessary, especially when the heating equipment has been in place for many years.

Year-Round Weather

Residents of this region need a heat source in the home since winters are cold and the other seasons might be considered downright chilly. Temperatures in winter here tend to stay above freezing, but the highs are usually only in the 40s. Average highs in July and August, the warmest months of the year, are only in the low 70s.

Residents can expect nighttime temperatures to drop into the 50s throughout the summer. Many people run the furnace overnight or in the morning just to get the chill out of the house.

The area’s residents also cannot count on the sunshine to warm up their homes on most days of the year. The climate is cloudy and rainy, and only about 46 percent of the days are sunny.


In northwestern Washington, furnaces usually aren’t running nearly as much during the winter as these appliances are needed in the northern Midwest or Northeastern parts of the country. That’s true even though Bellingham is situated much further north than many colder cities are. The region benefits from being so close to the Pacific Ocean, allowing the residents to avoid temperatures dropping below zero for days on end or not getting above freezing for two or three weeks.

Preventing the Need for Repair

Nevertheless, with heating systems running many days of the year, the probability of an eventual need for emergency Furnace Repair Services in Bellingham WA must be acknowledged. Homeowners can delay this need or prevent it altogether by scheduling annual maintenance on the system with a company such as and changing the air filter regularly. Visit the website for details on this particular organization. Visit website for more information.

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