Eventually, all mechanical equipment fails. This is as true with your furnace as it is with anything else. Even if a Naperville Furnace company maintained and serviced your furnace regularly, after 15 years or so, it needs replacing.
Even if your furnace appears to be working well, when you start seeing your heating costs increase, it is time to invest in a new, energy efficient furnace. A modern, high-efficiency unit will save a great deal of money over time. Not only will you be saving money, but you can also rest assured your furnace will not let you down when you need it most.
A U.S. Dept. of Energy study suggests that over 50 percent of the total energy used in a typical home goes toward heating and cooling. The number is about 30 percent for heating alone. The more efficient your heating and cooling system is, the less it will cost to operate it.
An Older Furnace Is Less Efficient
Any furnace dating back to the 1990s is definitely obsolete by now. In 1992, the Department of Energy established rigid standards for heating efficiencies. The standard at that time specified that 78 percent of the fuel consumed by a furnace must be converted to heat. In 2013, this standard was increased. The conversion rate is now 80 percent. A well-made, modern furnace exceeds the mandated standard.
Older furnaces are inefficient. They waste money. Older furnaces also contribute more to the “greenhouse gas” problem everyone is facing.
How Much Does a New Furnace Cost?
Buying a new furnace is unlike buying any other home appliance. It is extremely difficult to pre-determine how much it will cost. There are a number of variables that must be accounted for. These include the size of the home, the quality of insulation, and the average winter temperatures. The only way to get an accurate cost is to contact a well-known HVAC contractor in Naperville.
The old furnace in your Naperville home is costing you money. You can save money and improve air quality by replacing it. To discuss replacement and installation, contact Air-Rite Heating & Cooling.