Note – this article only considers the domestic furnaces installed in people’s homes (usually in the basement) as a heat source for either domestic hot water or central heating (or both). Industrial or commercial furnaces are much bigger and require a different level of servicing although the principles are similar.
Everyone in greater Chicagoland is only too aware of how cold the winters can be and the pressing need to keep warm. Home central heating used to be considered something of a luxury option only available to well off families but, I guess, it is fair to say today that a home without central heating is not a real home. To rely on nothing more than an open fire or some sort of stove may be OK for a remote weekend hideaway that is rarely used in winter but, this is hardly “survivable” in your main home.
Central heating can come in a number of different forms but the most common way to raise the heat is to burn fuel in a furnace (this furnace can also serve a dual purpose and provide the heat for your domestic hot water). Since most of Chicagoland will have a furnace somewhere on their premises, the majority of us should be aware that a furnace malfunction can lead to more than just experiencing some winter cold.
Loss Of Convenience Plus Possible Source Of Danger
Furnaces have to burn something and, when linked to a water heating boiler, high pressure can also be involved. Thus, your furnace system has the potential to be both a fire hazard and an explosion risk. Both of which will be minimized if a preventative maintenance schedule is part of your Chicago Furnace Service routine.
Preventative Chicago Furnace Service can avoid having to go cold in winter and help to keep your home safe. One of the best contractors for furnace servicing is Heatmasters Heating & Cooling who have been servicing Chicagoland for nearly 70 years.