Gas Fireplace Heaters – Ease-of-Use, Efficiency, Safety, and Quick Installation

by | Mar 5, 2019 | Fireplace Store

If you are ready to improve the décor of your home and at some warmth and creative appeal, you can do so was simply the touch of a button. Gas fireplace heaters also referred to as direct vent gas fireplaces can provide you with excellent results in terms of warmth and comfort as well as heating efficiency with one or more units installed in your living spaces.

Easy to Use

With a remote control, you can turn these units often on quite easily. They deliver cozy heat and warmth at the touch of a button.

Efficient Operation Saves You Money

The old-style wood burning fireplaces that were so commonly used in decades past do not even compare to the efficiency offered by modern gas fireplace heaters. Much of the heat generated from those old units was lost into the surrounding chimney structure or up the chimney to the outside air. However, now direct vent fireplaces allow you to retain in the neighborhood of 70% of the heat unit produces within the room. This makes for a highly efficient and enjoyable fireplace experience.

As well, these units channel the unhealthy gases outside, leaving the inside air unpolluted. You can enjoy the savings on your heating bills by inefficient and wise use of a modern gas fireplace heater.

Safe Operation

After the unit is turned on, the entire family can begin to enjoy the generated heat from a direct vent unit. In addition, these modern units operate in a different way than the old-fashioned wood fireplaces that threw up sparks. The cleanup and maintenance required is greatly reduced with modern gas fireplace heaters.

Quick Installation

A professional installation team can get your fireplace gas heater installed in no time. You can simply upgrade your old-fashioned wood-burning fireplace to a new modern unit without too much hassle involved. The professionals will do all the work for you.

If you are in the market to upgrade your indoor heating and interior decor with a modern gas fireplace unit, be sure to check out the various styles and colors you have available from an experienced fireplace supplier in the industry.

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