Get the Benefits You Need with a Social Security Law Firm

by | Sep 2, 2020 | Law

Many people apply for benefits from the Social Security Administration every day. Unfortunately, many legitimate claims are denied for a myriad of reasons. This can make things difficult for those in need of these benefits, often with no where to turn for help. Fortunately, a Social Security Law Firm in Tacoma WA can help with the entire process. From the first application and throughout the appeals process, they can assist to ensure all legitimate claims are processed and benefits are paid.

What Are Social Security Disability Benefits?

Throughout a person’s work life, they pay into fund to provide not only benefits for retirement, but also into an insurance fund to protect them in cases of disability. When one of these workers become disabled and unable to work, they can apply for these benefits to provide an income and care for their disability. To receive these benefits, they must apply with the Social Security Administration and show proof of their disability and inability to work again.

Why Are Legitimate Claims Sometimes Denied?

Very often, people with legitimate disabilities are denied their claims through the SSA. This is often due to incomplete information or medical records. The application process can be very complex. For those unfamiliar with the process, they can fill out these forms wrong or not completely, this can pose issues with their claim. In addition, they may not provide the proper or complete medical records that verify their disability. A Social Security Law Firm in Tacoma Wa can help with this process.

After the Denial

If a person feels they were denied benefits unjustly, they have the right to appeal that decision. This appeal can be continued up to a federal judge that can hear their case. Unfortunately, many people get discouraged and do not continue the process. However, it is in a disabled person’s best interest to appeal the case, as many legitimate claims are often denied. Unfortunately, this process can take years to complete and often leave many people without the income they need to survive.

An attorney can help with the entire process. They will ensure all paperwork is properly and completely filled out to ensure the claim is properly processed. An attorney will also assist in getting any necessary medical records needed for the claim. They will also stay with the client up to and including the hearing with the federal judge to get the benefits they deserve. For more information, visit website.

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