When that storm blows through the neighborhood, some roofs are damaged, others left intact, and some have piles of grit blown off or scraped off by hail, it can be time to consider new roofing. Even when the roof looks okay if its grit is gone, it will fail much sooner than expected. A professional roofer can examine the roof and determine if there is enough grit left to make the roof viable. Then, missing shingles, loosened shingles, torn shingles, and tree branches on the roof calling for an immediate repair or replacement.
The Roof Defends The House
The first thing to check when buying a house or business building is the roof. The roof defends the building from rain, snow, and other weather and moisture. If the roof is old or damaged, it may need replacing at great cost. Then, if the roof is in good shape and a home or business is hit by severe weather, including high winds and hail, new damage may occur. When roof damage is ignored, it gets worse, and leaks develop. When there are roof leaks, the interior of the building will suffer water damage and the build-up of mold problems.
Roofers in Minneapolis know all the types of damage a roof can sustain and how to repair or replace damaged roofs. Fixing new damage is relatively easy and does not cost a lot. That same damage left unrepaired can cost thousands to repair or replace. Once water finds a way under the roof from missing or damaged areas, it spreads, and the leak area gets larger and more damaging. Professionals roofers can find new and old damage and sources of leaks and repair them if possible. If the roof is no longer viable, they can replace the whole roof.
To Repair, Or To Replace
A newer roof with minimal damage can usually be repaired. An older roof may damage more easily and may need to be replaced. High-quality roofing materials, properly installed withstand worse weather and other elements. But, roofs older than ten years, roofs in poor condition, or roofs that were not properly installed need to be checked every year or after bad storms to determine if they are still viable. Leaking roofs need immediate attention. Browse our website for additional roofing guidelines or to get a repair estimate from Roofers in Minneapolis.