How to Get Started With a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Winnebago County IL

by | Aug 29, 2017 | Lawyers

Workers compensation laws were put into place to protect injured workers. When someone is injured on the job, the injured party has the right to file for benefits and receive both wage replacement and medical coverage while they recover. Those who are finding it difficult to receive the benefits they deserve need to seek help from a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Winnebago County IL.

The Rights of Injured Workers Must Be Protected

The rights of an injured worker must be protected so they are not infringed upon. A worker has the right to file for worker’s compensation and their employer is not allowed to retaliate against them for their injury claim.

Although an injured worker cannot sue their employer, due to worker’s compensation laws, they do sometimes have the right to file a third-party claim which could result in a lawsuit. If an injured worker finds they are being given the runaround, being offered a low settlement, or being denied their benefits, they have the right to seek help and guidance from a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Winnebago County IL.

Consultations Begin the Process

A consultation appointment starts the process of helping an injured worker pursue their benefits. It is important the worker is properly prepared to provide their lawyer with information on how their injury occurred. They will also need to be prepared to answer questions and ask questions of their own. The more information the injured worker can provide to their lawyer, the better equipped the lawyer will be to properly handle their claim.

Filing for worker’s compensation benefits can be overwhelming, especially when an employer or their insurance company is being difficult to work with. An injured victim should never be forced to fight their employer or insurance company alone.

Call Right Away

Injured workers need a lawyer to help protect their rights through the process of filing for worker’s compensation. With the help of a lawyer, a victim’s rights will be protected, and they can rest assured their claim will be given the full attention it deserves. If you are in need of legal help, contact us today to get started.

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